Volume 13, Issue 3 (1-2024)                   Clin Exc 2024, 13(3): 44-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Moghimi A, Taghvaie M, Hashemnezhad Abrasi F. Sustainable Development of Education in Universities with a Green Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Health-oriented Solution. Clin Exc 2024; 13 (3) :44-54
URL: http://ce.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-803-en.html
Department of Educational Management
Abstract:   (734 Views)
Different educational systems in the world need reform, restoration, and development in the fields of education and research to help organizations achieve improvement indicators. The choice of efficient development approaches and educational stimulus, such as the green business process approach can guarantee the speed of development. Therefore, in the present study, a health-oriented solution has been presented with the aim of sustainable development of education in the university with a green entrepreneurial orientation. This simple descriptive review was conducted by searching various Persian and English databases between 2011 and 2023 using the following keywords: sustainable development, education, university, green entrepreneurship, and health-oriented. Eighty-five studies in two languages (Persian and English) were found in the database. After reviewing, criticizing, screening, and extracting the findings, 17 articles were included in the study. Based on the purpose of the study, the findings of the extractive research showed that green entrepreneurship is among the important factors in solving the challenges of sustainable educational development and can play a significant role in regional, international, and global health using its effective methods. Institutions, schools, universities and all educational and research organizations can be a significant factor in maintaining and promoting educational development and the spread and expansion of sustainable education by making correct decisions in the green entrepreneurship method.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: آموزش پزشكی
Received: 2023/08/29 | Accepted: 2024/01/23 | Published: 2024/01/23

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